
The Wonders of Washington: Adventures in Marysville with Will Foster.

One of the things I love the most about my friends is that we can have fun anytime, anywhere, doing absolutely anything at all, as long as we're together! We can find beauty & amusement in everything. Our afternoon in Marysville Washington is proof of this! (Most of the photos below were taken by me, but I threw in a few of Abby & Rachel's too!)

Our friend Will Foster, who is also a photographer (check out his work here: Will Foster Photo) just happened to be in Seattle while we were visiting. We met him halfway between the cabin in La Conner & where he was staying.... and ended up in Marysville.

We had some tasty Mexican food at Las Margaritas & then some delicious coffee at Vinaccio Coffee where we had some fab camera talk & Abby played with Will's nifty fifty lens.

We drove around town aimlessly, drinking tea and jamming to tunes in the car, including the Dora the Explorer song. Video proof that this is Will's favorite song ever: HERE!
And Will put gasoline in his car for the first time ever! Apparently gas pumps aren't self-serve in Oregon. How peculiar.

We stumbled upon a random field, complete with a taco truck, a swing set, and a stream! So we took photographs, obviously!

Our last stop in Marysville was a parking lot behind Don's Lounge where two hours of photo fun ensued! Only we could find such joy in such a seemingly worthless location!

Abby captured (and captioned) this ridiculousness. "Cherylyn trips over Will's foot. This causes Will to morph into a raptor. Cherylyn also turns into a raptor. The end."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

favorite. ever. how did you do the set up with all the photos?? did you make them like that (film strip style) before you uploaded them or in the blog uploader?